Person-Centred Counselling

Our certified counsellor facilitates the personal growth of the client by allowing them to explore and utilise their own strengths.

Person-Centred Counselling, also known as Client Centred Therapy, is a style of counselling that invites you to actively lead the session and take the reins with the therapist there to provide guidance and listen without judgement. Our certified counsellor will assist and support you in reaching your goals.

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Person-Centred Counselling creates a safe space and can help with:

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence, and trust in your own decision making
  • Overcoming mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, or grief
  • Improved self-awareness and self-understanding- who you are and what your values are.
  • Ability to develop healthier relationships
  • Healthier self-expression and trust in self
  • Releasing feelings of insecurity or guilt

These 60-minute sessions allow you to explore your issues in a positive and supportive environment resulting in healthier self-expression and increased confidence.

Session Packages

Book your session to start feeling the benefits of this person led approach.

$165 (includes GST) per hour.

20% discount to all existing members of Gentle Recovery Centre.

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What does a session look like?

In your initial session, please allow an extra 15 minutes to discuss housekeeping topics such as payment methods, boundaries for contact, length of sessions. This is not a chargeable 15 minutes.

Once this is covered, we will then commence the counselling session of 60 minutes where you can explain what your areas of concern are and in what time frame you would like to address these issues, before we go into more detail and help empower you to achieve your goals.

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About the Counsellor:

Jen is a certified counsellor (DIP.COUNS) certified with The Australian Institute of Professional Counselling and a member of the Australian Counselling Association.

Jen also has an extensive background in Yoga Teaching, Yoga Teacher Training, and Yoga Therapy, which she has studied and practiced since 2003.

Owning and running several small businesses, being a single mother to a now adult son, Jen has an empathetic understanding of many real-life issues we all encounter from time to time.

Always striving to learn from everyone around her, Jen has a very open and inquisitive mind.

If there is a possibility of utilising mindfulness techniques, breathing techniques and other yoga tools, Jen may offer some of these should you, the client, wish to experiment with them at any time.